eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines & movies
View and download eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines & stream films to your computer or mobile device with your Library card and PIN with the following services:
Borrow, download and enjoy here.
BorrowBox allows you to browse, borrow and download bestselling eBook & eAudio titles by your favourite local and international authors
Tablet and smartphone users can download the free BorrowBox app from the App Store or Google Play store.
Borrow up to 5 eBooks, 5 eAudiobooks and 10 eMagazines for two weeks, as well as request and renew your books and magazines at the touch of a button.
Need help? Learn more
Log in with your library card and PIN from our website.
Tablet and smartphone users can download the free Comics Plus app from the App Store or
Google Play store. Search for Wingecarribee Public Library. Log in with your library card number
and PINEnjoy unlimited access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; on your computer, tablet, or phone. No holds. No wait lists. No limits.
Log in with your library card and PIN from our website.
Tablet and smartphone users can download the free Comics Plus app from the App Store or
Google Play store. Search for Wingecarribee Public Library. Log in with your library card number
and PIN
Enjoy unlimited access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; on your computer, tablet, or phone. No holds. No wait lists. No limits.
Log in with your library card and four digit PIN.
Borrow up to 20 eBooks and eAudiobooks.
Tablet and smartphone users can download the free indyreads app from the App Store or Google Play store.
Developed by State Library of New South Wales.
Please note, an error message when logging in may indicate an issue with your library account. Please call the library on 1300 266 235.
indyreads User Guides

2. Enter your email address and password and click "Login"
If you don't have an account, create one by clicking on "Not Registered? Create an Account". After entering your name, email address, and password, in the drop-down list, select "Australia", then select "Wingecarribee Libraries"
Enter your Wingecarribee Libraries Library ID (barcode number) and PIN.
You can also access through your phone or tablet. Download cloudLibrary NewsStand:
Apple App Store | Google Play Store
Library members can stream Australian and independent films and documentaries online for FREE.
Stream movies online here. Login with your library card to begin.

Project Gutenberg
International Children’s Library
Internet Archive
State Library of New South Wales eBook Library
Press Reader : Library card holders can access full issues of a large variety of newspapers & magazines through the State Library of NSW.