Join the Library


All residents of Wingecarribee Shire are able to join Wingecarribee Public Library.

Joining Fees

There is no joining fee for new members. A replacement card fee applies for lost or damaged cards. See below for further information.

New Members: Join the library via our online catalogue

Adult Membership (18 years and above)

  • Current drivers licence
  • Health care card
  • 18+ identity card
  • Wingecarribee Shire Council rates notice
  • Rental agreement
  • Utilities account

Junior Membership
(0-18 years)

  • Download Junior Membership Application form.
  • A parent or guardian with acceptable ID (see above) must sign the application form
  • Email your completed form to, along with proof of parent or guardian's address in the Wingecarribee Shire

Children are encouraged to join the Library's Bilby and Possum Clubs.

    Junior Membership Application

    Reciprocal Membership

    Reciprocal membership is available to members of other public libraries in NSW. To apply, present your library membership card (must be current) along with a completed application form at any of our branches.

    Replacement Cards (lost or damaged cards)

    Adult Replacement Card

    Show current acceptable ID and pay replacement card fee at any of our branches.

    Junior Replacement Card

    Register Junior Membership application form signed by parent or guardian, parent or guardian must be present and show acceptable ID, and pay replacement card fee.