Kids online quizzes!

quizzizJoin in our fun four week quiz program that is designed to test your knowledge and trivia skills.

5-7 years quiz will run on Tuesday 17 Aug, 24 Aug, 31 Aug and 7 Sep.

8-10 years quiz will run on Wednesday 18 Aug, 25 Aug, 1 Sep and 8 Sep.

11-16 years quiz will run on Thursday 19 Aug, 26 Aug, 2 Sep and 9 Sep .

The quizzes can be accessed anytime from 3-8pm.

Random Prizes

A $20 gift card will be randomly drawn for each age group for those that have participated in the trivia quizzes over the first two weeks on Thursday 26 August 2021. Another $20 gift card will be randomly drawn for each age group on Thursday 9 September 2021 for those who participated over the last two weeks.

We will notify our prize winners by phone. Winners will also be announced on our social media.

Please follow the following steps to register and play

Register each week via Eventbrite. 

Registrations open each Thursday afternoon for the following week.

You will then receive a link via email to the quiz at 3.00pm on the day of the trivia.

Anytime between 3-8pm open the link and enter your name. Please be sure to enter your first name and your initial so we know who to place in the prize draw.

Complete the Quiz

Please contact the library on 1300 266 235 for more information.

Enjoy playing!