Local Studies eResources

A selection of eResources to help you with your family history or local studies research:


TROVE is a discovery gateway to online Australian content across a number of subject areas including Family and Local History. It includes access to Australian historic newspapers, photographic and picture collections, manuscripts and letters.


The SLNSW eResources gives free 24/7 access to local & international newspapers, eBooks, full-text journals, magazines, and online databases. Includes historic newspaper databases such as The Times Digital Archive and Gale NewsVault. You will need a SLNSW Readers card to access these from home.

  IHR has over 30,000 facimile pages of online records for family history research in New South Wales 1850-1920.Includes Electoral rolls, Sands Directories, Title Deeds, Mining and Pastoral Leases, Licences and Occupations. IHS can only be accessed at the Library.
  Museums of history NSW

Research and explore the official archives of New South Wales at Museums of History NSW. Access catalogues, guides and fact sheets, search indexes of names and places and online galleries.


Archives Outside is State Records' online meeting place for people who care for archival collections in NSW and researchers who wish to access them. Includes tips for researching, managing and preserving archives, and a guide to the collections of NSW Regional Repositories.


The Berrima District Historical & Family History Society Inc's extensive archive collection covers the major towns of Bowral, Mittagong, Moss Vale, Robertson and Berrima and many of the villages in the area. Over 8,000 photographs can be accessed  from their online image library.

Wingecarribee, Our Home
Wingecarribee, Our Home: A Geographical Interpretation of the Southern Highlands of New South Wales (2013) eBook describes the biophysical and socio-economic patterns across the Wingecarribee Shire.
 Profile ID 

Wingecarribee Shire Community Profile Information about the local community in an interactive online resource.

  The Australian Bureau of Statistics' Profile of Wingecarribee LGA includes statistics on the Population, Economy, Industry and the Environment of our area.
  Quick statsOur area at a glance: The Australian Bureau of Statistics' Quick Stats profile of the Wingecarribee Shire.